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UNTITLED: Personal Project (WIP)

* Responsible for all design and fabrication.

Clay-Up: Clay-ups were done with Jolly King, an oil-based clay. A brass tube and 1/8" wire were pro-proxied together and connected to a syringe tip that was placed in the mold and would serve as the injection point. 1/16" wire was used for finger vents and 1/8" wire was used for the wrist vent. Keys were made from both Jolly King and a variety of Delrin ball sizes.

Walls & Seams: 1/8" foam core was measured and cut to wrapped around the clay-up. Hot glue was used to secure the walls. Seams along the walls were filled with additional Jolly King to prevent leaks.

Pour: GI 1000 silicone was used for these molds. Before pouring the silicone, it was placed in a degasser to remove air bubbles. When removing the Jolly King in preparation for the second pout, some of the wire came loose. I bent short pieces of 24 gauge wire and "stapled" the wire back to the silicone. For the second half, vaseline was applied tot he silicone to prevent the new silicone from adhering to it.

Cleanup: After the silicone cured, I carefully opened the mold. I used cuticle scissors to cut away any silicone that may have gotten underneath the staples. I then proceeded to clean the mold. This included removing any vaseline and trimmed off any loose silicone bits.

Copyright © Josie Howe 2024. All Rights Reserved

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