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UNTITLED: Personal Project (WIP)

* Responsible for all design and fabrication.

Clay-Up: Water-based clay was used for the clay-up, as well as 1/16" wire for the arm vents. I used silicone tools, cosmetic sponges and my fingers to level and smooth the surface. Keys were made off to the side, using a flat metal tool to keep the edges sharp and clean.

Walls: 1/8" foam core was measured and cut to wrapped around the clay-up. Hot glue was used to secured the walls together and to the MDF board.

Seams: Seams along the walls were filled with additional clay to prevent any leaks. 

Pour: Multiple layers of Ultracal 30 plaster were measured and poured on top of the clay-up. The mold was tapped against the table to help bring any bubbles to the surface and brushed away from the sculpt. Burlap was placed before the final layer of plaster to make the mold more durable. After the first half cured, it was then flipped and prepped for the second pour. Chisel keys were added to help open the mold after silicone casting and vaseline was applied so that the plaster would not adhere to itself.

Injection Prep: After curing, the mold was opened, cleaned and prepped for casting. A small Dremel bit was used redefining and evening out the wire vents. A 3/8 and 5/32 drill bit were used to drill holes in the mold. One in the neck for injecting silicone and one in each heal to allow venting. 


* Responsible for all mold fabrication.


Process: Similar to the other body plaster molds I have done, the sculpt was first sprayed with Krylon Crystal Clear and a sharpie was used to mark the center line. Water-based clay was used for the clay-up and 1/16" wire for the finger vents. 1/8" foam core and hot glue were used for the walls and additional clay was used for filling in any seams. Ultracal 30 plaster was used for the mold. Before pouring the second half, I added chisel keys and applied vaseline to prevent the two parts from adhering to each other.


Final Mold: Once both halves were poured, the mold was opened, cleaned and prepped for injection. 

Copyright © Josie Howe 2024. All Rights Reserved

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